Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 1. Film V172-147, Index Wills & Administration Berks Co, Reg. of Wills Office in Reading , PA : 1798/name Gebhart, George; Exec. Adm.: Adam & Daniel Gebhard, Vol Adm 5, pge 155. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Jacob Bower, Esq. Register for
the Probate of Wills, and granting
Letters of Administration, in
and for, the County of Berks.
To Adam Gebhart and Danl. Gebhart,
sons of George Gebhart late of Union Township,
in Birks County, Shoemaker, deceas.,
Elizabeth Gebhart widow & Relict of
said deceas., having first renounced
her right of Administration and to
each of them,
the Probate of Wills, and granting
Letters of Administration, in
and for, the County of Berks.
To Adam Gebhart and Danl. Gebhart,
sons of George Gebhart late of Union Township,
in Birks County, Shoemaker, deceas.,
Elizabeth Gebhart widow & Relict of
said deceas., having first renounced
her right of Administration and to
each of them,
WHEREAS, the said George Gebhart lately died Intestate, (as is affirmed) having, whilst he lived, and at the Time of his Death, divers Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, within the said County, by Means whereof, the full Disposition and Power of granting the Administration of all and singular the Goods, Chattles, Rights and Credits, which were of the said Deceased within the said County; and also, the auditing the Accounts, Calculations and Reckonings, of the said Administration & a final Dismission from the same, to me is manifestly know to belong. I desiring that the Goods, Chattles, Rights and Credits, of the said Administation & a final fismission from the fame, to me I manifestly known to belong. I desiring that the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, of the said Deceased, may be well and truly administered, do hereby grant unto You, the said Adam Gebhart & Daniel Gebhart in whole Fidelity in this Behalf, I very much confide, full Power by the Tenor of these Presents, to administer the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, which were of the said Deceased, within the said County; and also, to ask, collect, levy, recover and receive, the Credits whatsoever of the said Deceased, which at the Time of his Death, were owing, or to him did any Ways belong, and to pay the Debts in which the said Deceased stood obliged, so far forth, as the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, will extend, according to their Rate and Order of Law, especially of well and truly administering the Goods, Rights and Credits of the said Deceased, and making a true and perfect Inventory thereof, and exhibiting the same into the Register's Office, at the Town of READING, in the County of BERKS, at or before the tenth Day of April next and tendering a true and just Account, Calculation or Reckoning, of the said Administration, at or before the tenth Day of March in the Year of our LORD, One Thousand, seven Hundred and Ninety Nine. And also, I do by these Presents, ordain, constitute and appoint, you the said Adam Gebhart & Danl. Gebhart Administration of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, which were of the said Deceased, within the Limits aforesaid, saving harmless, and for Ever indemnifying me, and all other Officers, against all Persons whatsoever, by Reason of your Administration aforesaid, and saving to all others their Rights. In TESTIMONY whereof, I have hereunto set my HAND & SEAL of Office, the tenth day of March, in the year of our LORD, One thousand, seven hundred & Ninety eight.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 2. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 3. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 4. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 5. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 6. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.
Will. George Gebhart (Union Township, Berks Co., PA: 4 Oct 1799), p. 7. Image courtesy of Verla Williams.